Tuesday, May 20, 2008

I am humbled

May 20, 2008

This morning I ate strawberries; big, ripe, juicy strawberries. I ate them at the kitchen sink straight out of the strainer where I had left them to dry after I washed them last night. I ate them one-by-one, enjoying the splash of juice that filled my mouth after each bite. I stood there in my nightgown waiting for the kettle to boil water for my tea. Tea, first thing in the morning, has been my ritual for 50 years now.

In nine days I will leave my home most likely not to return for six months. The thought both delights me and leaves me with a twinge of sadness for the rich life I leave behind. Mine is a small adventure compared to some but it triggers emotions I seldom feel and I wonder if all adventurers start their journeys this way.

One of the wonderful by-products of setting out on this adventure is discovering just how rich my life is. I have been feted and gifted on several occasions and each time felt such love and affection that I am quite overwhelmed.

Myrna and Linda, fellow condo dwellers, went door-to-door to have people sign a card thanking me for all the work I do (I am the condo association president) – and came away with $650.00 “gas money”. Another cheque for $50.00 followed a few days later. I was truly overcome.

Sari held an open house, bon voyage party. People came and went as they could on a busy Saturday in May to give hugs and best wishes. Gail and Mary Pat traveled down from Edmonton for the occasion. A couple of people brought wine for my journey and when I opened all the cards later that night I found more gas money and a gift card from Shoppers for all those sundry items I’ll need on my trip.

Kim held a dinner party for my "dog people" friends, the friends I have made walking Holly. And super shopper Sue had been to Canadian Tire’s RV section to compile a bag of RV goodies: special toilet paper, a miniature drain tray, a toaster that folds flat.

Leslie and Todd have given me an envelope with a special monetary contribution to my trip.

I think part of this journey is about leaving: discovering – or learning for the first time – just how rich my life is and how much I am loved by so many people. It is truly humbling.

In the end, this may be the most important lesson I’ll learn on this journey: if I open up to what is here and now, I will find that all life’s riches are sitting on my doorstep.

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